Wednesday 31 December 2014

New Years Goals

It's that time of year again when we are all expected to set New Years Goals - most of them being repeated after many years of not achieving them or they are all unrealistic. The point of New Years goals/resolutions is to set yourself little things to achieve, things that make you happy, things that make you healthier, things that you know will make you feel good and have a awesome sense of satisfaction when it comes to the end of the year, and this time will swing by again, its a repetitive circle of goal setting.

New Years symbolises many different things in different cultures but most importantly has the same message through all. New Years holds hope for a new beginning and to have a fresh start, if something in your life is making you unhappy, this is the sign telling you to change that so you can feel more positive. It also symbolises a new journey. Each year represents a new journey in your life, it's when you turn one year older and grow wiser. I'm going to say this about new journeys, "Life is not about the journey, it's about the destination." In fact it is about the journey in some aspects, each pathway you decided to walk down will come with pros and cons, happiness and sadness, but most importantly it builds your character. It makes you stronger. It makes you wiser, and its makes you more resilient. This is easier said than done. I understand that life can be tough at times, it sure is. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your destination is just as important as your journey because your journey is your destination. Figure that. Times will be tough in the year to come, they'll be so hard that you think you can't cope with it or that it will never end. You must promise yourself one thing, and that is to never give up. Never give up on yourself, never give up on you dreams, never give up on people around you, you don't know their story. Take it from me, things will get better, you do need a storm for a rainbow to shine. As Dumbledore once said, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Next year for me is quite different, I'm starting NCEA and going into Year 11, yet I get to travel and go to the 5SOS concert with one of my best friends. Talk about a roller-coaster much? My goals for 2015 are quite simple in my mind. They include some things like these;

1. Create more happiness. 

2. Be active 2 times a week. 

3. Learn to love lettuce.

4. Do not let school control you, yet get into your studies.

5. Develop some art passion.

6. Try something new - like photography.

7. Do not force anything that doesn't seem right - be true to yourself.

8. Push your limits, but know your own limits.

9. Be organised, buy a cute folder!

10. Stop stressing, stop worrying about everything, if it will be, it will be. 

11. Take more time for yourself, take time to reflect, rejuvenate and relax.

12. It's alright to have down days. 

13. Treasure the small things, like sunsets and sunrises. 

14. Go with the flow, things do not have to be perfect all the time. 

15. Laugh at the silly things. 

Keeping goals flexible and achievable will result in more success and more satisfaction. Set a few things that are relevant and personal to you and things that you want to pursue, not what others want you to do. If you find setting New Years Goals a bit too hard, try creating a list of "15 Things to do in 2015", maybe that helps reduce the pressure of goals for you, like I have done for myself above.

Another part of New Years is what people like to call, "spring cleaning." Now I myself feel refreshed after clearing out drawers or reinventing my wardrobe, so it doesn't feel like a chore or a hassle to me. I cleaned out my closet yesterday with my friends help, (it was honestly the best way to do it!) I ridded my wardrobe of clothes that hadn't been worn in ages, things that don't fit me anymore and created what seems like a brand new wardrobe! I now have half a wardrobe full of empty hangers, that as said means you need to go shopping to fill them all up again with new items of clothing then once your closet is full again go through the the process of getting rid of things again. Many positive things can actually come out from doing this, you can give your clothes to charity or DIY them yourself to get new pieces for your closet etc. One of the things my friend and I did was everything that went back into the wardrobe was organized from jackets to cardigans to sweaters to long sleeved tops to long tops, then dresses, kimonos tee shirts and finally singlet tops. We also turned each clothes hanger backwards so everytime you wear a piece of clothing you put in back with the clothes hanger faced around the right way. Then you can see after a while the clothes you are frequently wearing to the clothes you've never worn. This again could result in a charity giving trip which could be part of a New Years goal of giving to others. Spring cleaning your desk area is also a good idea, to organize a diary, calendar, school books, pens and pencils, and any hobby you enjoy like art for example. This will help motivate you do be more on to it because you have just made a creative outlet.

The last thing I do around New Years is create a vision board. This is a huge canvas sat above my desk with photos and pictures stuck onto it of things that I feel I need to remind myself through quotes or things that I aspire to be and things that inspire me. I think this is a really cool way to set a direction in your head about the New Year and the things you want to achieve become clearer in your mind. Being inspired is possibly one of the best feelings ever, why not create more of it?

Don't stress too much about your New Years goals, the more pressure you put on yourself to achieve them the less your going to enjoy 2015. So be bold and be brave this coming year, live for the moment and remind your loved ones that you love them everyday because you never know what your future holds, lets hope its a goodie this year! Wishing you a brand new year filled with happiness, laughter, love, creativity and success, safety and whatever you want your New Year to be, you choose your own pathway to walk down. A lot of people didn't make it to 2015, be grateful and thankful you woke up this morning healthy and happy and surrounded by people who love you.

Good Luck for TwentyFifteen


2013 was practice
2014 was the warm up

Saturday 27 December 2014

My First Post

I really have no idea how I came to this point in time where I though it was necessary to create my own blog and and blog onto the internet about some things.
As you can tell from the title, I am 15 years old but I prefer too say young, I'm a bit Peter Pan-ish. 
I suppose my idea from creating my own blog spiralled off from the latest book I have just read, "Girl Online" written by Zoe Sugg aka Zoella which is probably who you would know her as. Yes it is very cliché for me to start my own blog after just reading a book about a girl who blogs her life and love interests on the interwebs but it has inspired me too take track of my thoughts, what I want to achieve, my motivation and my success's over the next year. Hopefully I can make it through the year - I'm a bit dubious about this because I have created many other blogs but not stuck at them, or continue to post for about 1 week and then give up, forget about it or get bored with it.
So what is my aim with this blog? I think that it's really important to take a step back from your busy everyday life and take in everything that you take for granted. Things like the birds chirping, or sunsets and sunrises or a step in another direction. My goal is too have this blog as a little part of freedom and to be myself and to share my thoughts with others, it's better to talk about how or what your feeling than bottle it all inside until you explode. I did that quite a lot last year. Another aspect about this is that I can make time to think and reflect which is another thing I didn't do enough of last year, school was everything, I was basically living and breathing school especially during the exam period in Term 4. A bad thing about living and breathing school is that I am a perfectionist, if it's not perfect, it's not finished. If it's not perfect, it's not getting sent in. This of course had a lot of downfalls because I spent a lot of my time doing something related to school work. I would often think that it wasn't fair of how much work I was putting in and getting out, or that it wasn't fair why I had to use my spare time all the time to complete homework when I had just done a 6-7 hour day at school. I put so much effort and pressure on myself to make everything perfect and I realised it wasn't healthy, I should be able to enjoy things that I like to do in my free time and have some time to reflect to make things clearer in my mind. Another important thing that I realised last year is that you have to get a good nights sleep to function the next day to your full potential. This however was said and not done last year which resulted in me getting upset and angry from being exhausted when trying to do all my homework the night before it was due. (Note to self: Do your homework the day it is set!) Don't get me wrong, it was all worth it, I passed all my exams and received awards at the end of year prize giving. Do I regret anything? Would I have done it differently? Absolutely not. At the end of it the satisfaction was there and I was and still am very proud of myself for achieving the things I did and set my mind too.

This blog is supposed to help me unload a bit of what I am feeling or what thoughts are running through my mind. Maybe a few of you might feel the same way as I am. (If there are even any of you) So please take this into mind or consideration.

This is my blog, so I will post what I want.
I will post when I want.
And if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it.

This is a positive space with happy vibes and hopefully have positivity radiating off it. This is my blog and I want it to be my little space where I can express what I feel and what I am thinking. Hopefully some of you can relate to my need for my own little piece of anonymous freedom and willingness to be fully myself. If you don't like what I'm posting, then don't read it, simple as that. You can make the choice.
Until next time,
15YearsYoung  :)